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Coaching & Beratung

Coaching & Consulting

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Taple Coaching

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Coaching & Beratung

Happy to meet you!

I work in different constellations, so there is something for every situation. I always adapt my methods to you individually. Just so that you have an idea of what you might expect, here is a selection of my methods:

Team portrait

Working with the inner team

Each of us has different inner parts, you may know the skeptic in you or the relaxed one. Depending on the topic, one voice or the other influences us more. We will look at this together.


Working with the inner child

According to transactional analysis, each of us has an inner adult, an inner parent and an inner child. You may know this from situations in which you can be curious, inquisitive, but also stubborn. The inner child influences us more than we think.

Yellow armchair

Chair work

With this method, we practice conversations by imagining the other person sitting in the chair in front of us. This method is also suitable for working with inner parts.


Systemic questions

With this type of question, I make you think and reflect. Inner resistance is also addressed. You learn to look at things from a different perspective and thus come closer to the solution yourself.

Image by Ashley Batz

Constellation work

There are many possibilities here. From examining the dynamics to difficulties in making decisions. When doing constellation work, we listen to our "gut feeling" instead of our head.

Meditating on the mountainside

Target image visualisation


The idea here is to shift the focus away from the problem and towards your goal. This method also makes resistance visible and can be dealt with, always with an eye on the solution.

Daria Hansen Taple Coaching
Glücklich zu Hause

Individual coaching

Sometimes you just can't get any further, your thoughts are going in circles and you haven't yet received the tip that will change everything. In one-on-one coaching you can talk about everything that is on your mind - in a safe atmosphere.


Couple/group coaching

Whether with your partner, friends, colleagues or family: each of our environments forms its own system. And difficulties can arise in every system. Let's look at it together!

Taple Beratung Daria Hansen
Taple Daria Hansen Softskills

Parenting and family counseling

As long as you don't have children, it seems so obvious how to deal with them. Didn't each of us know what we would do differently at some point? And then suddenly you're a parent yourself and everything changes.

At Taple you can get out of the hamster wheel, look at the situation with new glasses and breathe easy again in the future.

Find your solution.

For a quick and easy appointment, just send me an email.

Anker 1

About me

Certified coach, educator & psychologist

"Even big words are simply written in the same letters." (Thom Renzie)

I know from my own experience what it's like to feel stuck. To have the feeling that something is happening to you over and over again. To be stuck in the same thought patterns or simply to have the feeling that you can't move forward at a certain point. Years ago I discovered coaching and all of its methods and was immediately enthusiastic. So many topics can be addressed with it. I was so enthusiastic about the methods that I didn't just want to benefit from them myself, I wanted to share them with the world . Because what could be better than for us all to find a way to be happy with ourselves and with others?

Confidentiality is very important to me in my appointments. Everything we discuss stays in the room. I will take the time to really understand your concerns and look beneath the surface. I don't have run-of-the-mill solutions. Every situation is unique and requires an individual approach .

As always, the following applies:

The solution lies within you and we will find it together!


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